They showcase a unique color scheme that has all dark and bright colors. Oil Color – Used on thick surfaces in the physical world, oil colors work their charm in the digital world as well.You can select any color here, just remember that the color will have a light shade. Water Color – Water colors leave a great watery (Light) look and are perfect for creating flowy or light digital art.However, other hues such as tan, gray, red, and blue can also be a part of your family. Modern Color – This includes the latest colors being used in today’s time i.e., white.

Types of Colors PaletteĪlthough you can easily adjust and manage everything from saturation, hue, and brightness with the help of the HSB sliders, knowing about the different color types can help you make informed decisions. To have a practical idea on how to use them, tap here to have clear steps on everything from knowing about different color palettes to creating and using them. All you have to do is go to the color circle at the top right side of the application that showcases all the preset and recently added/imported/created color palettes. Procreate include a myriad of beautiful color swatches and free procreate brushes that can be easily created, downloaded, and used for any of your art masterpieces at any given instant.