Atla Palani, Nest Tender - Commander 2019.Arjun, the Shifting Flame - Commander 2015.Aminatou, the Fateshifter - Commander 2018.The following green cards have seen their first reprints in Double Masters 2022: As this card is an excellent inclusion in Elf-tribal decks in Commander and Legacy alike, this reprint will make the card much more accessible, as it had previously only been printed as a Mythic in Jumpstart. Despite being a single green mana, this 1/1 Elf can prevent your creatures from being countered whilst maintaining significant late-game value through its activated ability capable of bolstering even the smallest of elves under your control. The most impressive green reprint within DOuble Masters 2022 is easily Allosaurus Shepherd. This creature is a solid inclusion in creature-heavy Commander decks, serving as a massive 16/16 with indestructible that despite its mana value of ten, can be cast with your creatures through its access to Convoke. Among these cards, one stand include Impervious Greatworm, a card that had previously only been available as Guilds of Ravnica's Buy-a-Box promo. Like white, green has received seven first-time-reprints in Double Masters 2022. Sparkmage's Gambit - Oath of the Gatewatch.Dreamshaper Shaman - Theros Beyond Death.The following red cards have seen their first reprints in Double Masters 2022: Due to the minuscule number of available copies, prior to this reprinting, copies of Warrior's Oath were selling for hundreds of dollars, meaning that this reprinting will allow those looking to utilize the card to do so without breaking the bank. Though far from a staple like Dockside Extortionist, Warrior's Oath, like the previously mentioned Imperial Seal had only seen a printing within Portal Three Kingdoms. RELATED: Magic: The Gathering - The Best Goblins For Modern